
962 B

Using Manage-BiosSettings

Load the Function

# Run PowerShell as Administrator and use this command:
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope Process

# Method 1: Dot source the function
. .\Manage-BiosSettings.ps1

# Method 2: Import as module
Import-Module .\Manage-BiosSettings.ps1 -Force

Usage Examples

# Export current BIOS settings
Manage-BiosSettings -Action export -FilePath "current_bios.txt"

# Import BIOS settings from file
Manage-BiosSettings -Action import -FilePath "new_bios.txt"


  • Export functionality to save current BIOS settings
  • Import functionality to apply settings from file
  • Error handling and validation
  • Administrator privilege checking
  • Status messages for each operation

The -Force parameter in the Import-Module command ensures the module is reloaded if it was previously imported. Always run PowerShell as Administrator when using this function.